Papermache cyclists and wooden elephant
Recycled bottle top boxes and wooden teddy
Papermache monster lizards
Khwe collecting baskets in all sizes and shapes
Place mats made from telephone directory's
Those in passing are always asking,
about that carving,
that I fixed tall,
to an outside wall,
of my favorite garden... bar
But why put it there amongst seaweed,
beach sand, and old green weed,
those dried out old bones,
them piles of stones
and those shells that you collected from …afar
I always answer, it just seemed right,
being colored all black and white,
with its sharp horns and eyes, and as so painted,
but I suppose also to not get it broken, or maybe tainted
I know its carved rough and hard, but still its without a … scar
Juliette sold it to me swiftly hidden in a brown paper bag
At such a price, and before I could really nag
So what creature is it, this strange head of a sheep or is it a goat,
and so modeled and mounted as having been cut by its throat
Could it be a .. tahr ?
Why no, it’s sea buffalo ! I tell them with glee,
and really something that not many people get to see
To which they reply, usually from under some smoke,
And by now being quite aware of all this being much of a joke
Would it not be better mounted on the bonnet of your …car
Now there’s an idea … aha !
followed the tortoise up the pathway
Entered the magical Aladdin's Cave
And to the cashier, my credit card gave
A trip to Cape Town is never complete
Without a visit, it can't be beat.
I was visiting from Singapore
And finding delights galore
If I'd had more space in my luggage
I would have been charged extra tonnage!
Talented artists transform Trash to Treasure
Proudly South African value we can measure
I've decorated my home, at my leisure
Here are some of the things that bring me pleasure
Standing guard - the lookout - a Tin Meerkat
Africa underfoot - a Chip Packet Floor Mat
On the wall, a Beaded Lady, wearing a traditional hat
On the table - a stunner of a runner! - Can't beat that!
Red Rock Tribal - you have to see -
Disappointed - you won't be
A repeat customer you have in me
I think it's time for a shopping spree!